
Vanessa Rowe


Vanessa sent us a few photographs which summed up lockdown for their family. Their daughter Isla created a very large rainbow which was displayed in the front window of their home. It was seen by many Edgeley residents on so-called ‘rainbow walks’ – spotting all of the rainbow signs on the daily exercise allowance. Isla won a prize for the sign in a rainbow competition. Home hair cuts also became very popular for those who didn’t want to wait for the restrictions on visiting personal care services to be lifted.

Vanessa said: “My daughter Isla made a rainbow on the 23rd and 24th March 2020, and it was displayed in our window until June 20th. Many children saw it, especially in the early weeks when so many kids were going on their rainbow walks and it was lovely to hear the happy voices and see the smiles – and as it’s quite big it was certainly noticeable! Isla was also one of the winners of a rainbow competition. It has faded a little bit since the first picture – weather wise it certainly was a bright and sunny few months. There is also a picture of Isla cutting daddy’s hair – a classic lockdown experience!”